THE Orez Game
This is Orez Game
Do you want to Play ??

Here is Few Things you need to Follow

1- You can Play if you are in this Age ( 22 to 80 )
2- if You are Muslim You cant Participate in Game
3- Time Period of Game is 1 Month to 4 Months
4- Total 10 Levels of Games 3 Rounds.

There is No any ILLEGAL Activity or No any ILLEGAL tasks we Give You So Dont worry about this.
How to Apply ?
1 - You Need to Pay Game Fees $25 ( in any crypto ask in email )
2 - You will receive our Game Coin on your Hone address physically. Send Request on
3 - All tasks you need to perform with head tail Coin.
4 - This is Spell Coin.
5 - its also help your Luck, Money, Sex and Life Taks
6 - You Will See How your life change With Spell Coin.

OREZ 2017 - 2023